Industry Solutions:

Software Tools

Use our AI toolkit to improve your conversion rates

Below are three AI tools that were developed to help you convince your prospects to consider your unique solution. Lets stop dumb dialing forever and apply AI smarts to your outbound calling.

Tool 1: Practice Makes Perfect

Instead of practicing on live leads, you can call our AI engine and an avatar will play the role of a prospect so you can fine tune your pitch. This allows you to become incredibly proficient without burning valuable leads!

Tool 2: Develop Your Perfect Pitch

Instead of spending valuable time researching leads so that you know what to say, our AI does it for you. It scrapes the web and automatically customizes your script and objections so that you will be super-persuasive when you get the prospect on the phone. 

Tool 3: Ask the Expert

This powerful feature connects you directly with our AI knowledge base for instant info, insights, and advice. Whether you have questions about ProspectIQ products and solutions, are facing a challenging sales conversion problem, or need quick guidance on best practices, our tool ensures you get accurate, reliable answers fast. Enhance your decision-making, save time, and leverage expert knowledge to drive your sales process forward.

xSellsior AI depiction