Industry Solutions:

A BIG Deal For Small Businesses

Speak to 20X more prospects, build your pipeline, and efficiently close more business

Your Business May Be Small, But Your Goals Are Not

Size doesn’t limit ambition. The entrepreneurial spirit that drives small businesses often leads to creativity, resilience, and a willingness to take risks, which are essential for success.

And let’s face it, your business strives to continue to grow to stay competitive, increase revenue, attract talent, and adapt to market demands.

The Case for Cold Calling 

Your business is likely BIG on relationships. And Cold Calling is significantly more effective at cultivating this than direct mail, email, and other more expensive forms of advertising.

As a business owner or salesperson, cutting to the chase and getting customers on the phone with AccelerateIQ software to deliver a credible and influential message is not only more impactful, but can save you loads of time and money.

Plus, you are not waiting for customers to come to you.

Cold Calling Can Be Pretty Cold – Until Now

Traditional cold calling (we call it “Dumb Dialing”) has a 1% Connect Rate because no one answers the phone as they once did.  This means that on average, if you make 100 dials, only 1 person will pick up.  Big effort, little reward.

Now, with ProspectIQ technology, you’ll reach a minimum of 20% of your best prospects

And More Conversations = More Business! 

AI Smarts vs. Dumb Dialing

Traditional outreach has a Connect Rate of 1%. We call that “Dumb Dialing.” Spend your valuable time actually speaking to prospective customers. That’s smart.

Sample Performance of 100 Dials

Traditional Dialing





Connect Rate



Pick Ups



Appointment Rate






A Major League Solution

Long a growth staple of VC backed companies, the ProspectIQ conversion platform software is now available to small businesses and works for any industry, for any audience, in any market across the U.S. 

Our software employs AI to know Who to call and When, so that prospects answer the phone at a 20X rate vs. traditional dialing. 

And once you reach them, the software even helps you craft the perfect pitch so you are super-persuasive and can better convince prospects to consider your solution.

No Leads? No Problem.

Our system gives you access to over 500M AI-enhanced contact names of businesses and individuals that will answer the phone. No need to subscribe to lead databases that are basically an expensive phone book for you to sort through. 

Let our conversion specialists work with you to build your ideal lead database.

Solve For Key Prospecting Challenges

AccelerateIQ software solves for three key prospecting challenges:

Finding Qualified Leads:

  • Often a time-consuming, research-intensive process. It can also be costly if you need to subscribe to expensive databases or list brokers.
  • AccelerateIQ provides quality leads that match your Ideal Customer Profile.

Lack of Time:

  • Are you working ON the business, or IN the business? Prospecting takes time and effort. Some sellers spend six hours per week researching prospects, which can be way too time-consuming.
  • AccelerateIQ software makes the entire process faster, we do the heavy lifting to match your ICP and present you with quality prospects that you can speak with.

Low Connect Rate:

  • What good are leads that you can’t connect with? A solid customer profile is just the start, but that list needs to be actionable.
  • AccelerateIQ will deliver connect rates that are at least 20X what any traditional dialing will produce. Not just Who to call, but When to call. And more conversations means more sales.

The Smart Pathway To Growth

Our AI conversion engine xSellsior, has amazing Superpowers that will help you convert more business.

Our data team has access to millions of prospects who will answer their phone and speak with you about your solution or service.

Our AI-powered platform knows Who to call and When so there is a 20% Connect Rate rather than the 1% that traditional outbound prospecting produces. And as you know, prospecting is a numbers game. The more prospects you speak with, the greater the chance that you will find and attract the right prospect to help move your business forward.

Not only does our platform know which prospects to call, it helps your sales executives know What to say. Our AI scrubs the web and customizes your standard pitch so that it is super persuasive to the prospect being called. It will even help your sales team handle objections with speed and sophistication, which helps lead to more conversions.

Once you speak with a prospect, our platform helps your sales professionals follow-up and nurture prospects so that if they aren’t ready to leave engage now, you’ll be top of mind in the future.

Priced for Small Business Success


Per Month

Supercharge Outbound Calling With ProspectIQ

Sign Up For A Free Trial

See for yourself how AI beats “Dumb Dialing.”

Simply sign up and within 48 hours you’ll be speaking with prospects to build your pipeline and grow your AUM.

Be sure to complete your target profile information on the sign up form so we can provide you with the appropriate enhanced leads.

NOTE: We currently provide enhanced lead databases for companies/individuals with operations in the U.S. and Canada. European countries are coming soon!