Industry Solutions:

“Growth Insurance” For Your Business

AI Prospecting Software for the Insurance Industry

An Industry Defined By Intense Competition

The insurance industry is incredibly competitive. To land new individual or corporate clients, you need an innovation edge in this evolving landscape.

Your advantage is ProspectIQ technology.

Better Together: Technology + Your Skill

Whether you are selling personal or business insurance, the AccelerateIQ conversion platform gives you access to millions of prospects.

And because we know Who will answer the phone and When, there has never been an easier way to reach prospects at scale and share your solution.
Friends Don’t Let Friends “Dumb Dial”

Traditional cold calling has a 1% Connect Rate. This means an average of 1 conversation out of 100 dials. We call this high level of unproductivity,  “Dumb Dialing”.

And all things being equal, if you reach 20X the number of prospects, you can write 20X the amount of business than you have today.

Achieve 20%+ Conversation Rates

Traditional Dialing





Connect Rate



Pick Ups



Appointment Rate






Millions of business or individual prospects who will answer the phone and speak with you about your solution.

The Smart Pathway To Growth

The ProspectIQ AI-powered conversion platform not only ensures that you have more conversations with prospects, but it even helps increase your sales executives’ productivity when they reach a prospect. Below are some of the platform’s Superpower Features:

Our data team has access to millions of prospects who will answer their phone and speak with you about your insurance solutions.

Our AI-powered platform knows Who to call and When so there is a 20% Connect Rate rather than the 1% that traditional outbound prospecting produces. And as you know, prospecting is a numbers game. The more prospects you speak with, the greater the chance that you will find and attract the right prospect to help move your firm forward.

Not only does our platform know which prospects to call, it helps your sales executives know What to say. Our AI scrubs the web and customizes your standard pitch so that it is super persuasive to the prospect being called. It will even help your sales team handle objections with speed and sophistication, which helps lead to more conversions.

Once you speak with a prospect, our platform helps your sales professionals follow-up and nurture prospects so that if they aren’t ready to leave their current provider now, you’ll be top of mind in the future.

Supercharge Prospecting With ProspectIQ

Smart and Simple Pricing

Individual Contributor


License Fee

Per Month



License Fee

Per Seat, Per Month

Sign Up For A Free Trial

See for yourself how AI beats “Dumb Dialing.”

Simply sign up and within 48 hours you’ll be speaking with prospects to build your pipeline and grow your AUM.

Be sure to complete your target profile information on the sign up form so we can provide you with the appropriate enhanced leads.

NOTE: We currently provide enhanced lead databases for companies/individuals with operations in the U.S. and Canada. European countries are coming soon!