Industry Solutions:

AccelerateIQ FAQ

What is AccelerateIQ?

AccelerateIQ is a conversion platform that allows outbound callers to generate appointments at scale! Using powerful AI, the software knows who to call and when so there is a 10X Connect Rate versus industry benchmarks with your best prospects. Then once you get a prospect on the phone, the software will help your callers know what to say so that they become super-persuasive. These and other software superpowers guarantee that your conversions go through the roof. On average, a caller using our system should book 20 appointments or more per month.

Is AccelerateIQ a power or parallel dialer?

No. Parallel dialers are dumb. They simply call the same names over and over again and hope for a different result. Then when they finally reach someone, there is almost always a few second delay that screams “I am a cold call” so the prospect hangs up. Our system allows your callers to make one dial at a time and reach the prospect at the right time so that you have more conversations and conversions.

How do you know someone is going to answer their phone?

Our proprietary algorithm draws on data points from multiple sources to identify the leads who are most likely to answer a call at a given time of day. We can’t make someone pick up their phone (yet!), but we can tell you when someone is most likely to answer a call with a high level of probability. Your connect rate will be 10X industry benchmarks within three dials when you follow the platform’s instructions. This is compared to 1-3% reach rate without our platform.

Is there a free trial?

Yes! We offer a free trial so you can see for yourself how well it performs. Experience the features, capabilities, and potential of our software with a free 10 day trial and no commitment. Use the platform and you will immediately experience improved Connect Rates. Provide us with your ICP and we will upload enhanced leads into the platform, and off you go!

Does it integrate with Salesforce, HubSpot and SalesLoft?

YES! We work with any and all systems in your tech stack that can communicate through Zapier! 

How long is the implementation?

Implementation is super-fast and easy. We can have you up-and-running within 48 hours of signing up. Upon completion of the sign-up process on our website, you can schedule an onboarding call with a member of our Customer Success Team. Once we have your leads, we will load them into the platform, and you can start calling.

Can we use our own dialer or dial through SalesLoft?

YES! Our platform has a built-in dialer that is optimized to give you the best results, but we can definitely accommodate any dialer on any platform you would like to use.

If I use your system, how many appointments will I get?

On average, our customers book 20 appointments per month per caller. Some even book 40 or more. The exact number will vary dependent on whether you already have achieved product market fit, tested scripts, honed your ICP, etc.!

What is your connect rate compared to a parallel dialer?

Parallel dialers connect at roughly a 3% rate but then most prospects hang up when there is the inherent delay. This is so prevalent that many companies find that simply dialing the phone themselves is preferable because the connect rate can fall below 1%. Our software can help your callers achieve their greatest pick-up rates ever! Your connect rate will be 10X industry benchmarks within three dials when you follow the platform’s instructions.

How do you optimize our script to increase conversions?

Optimizing your script and messaging is a three-part process. First, we test your script anonymously with thousands of prospects to determine the best opening and elevator pitch. Second, we fine-tune the message using conversational and generative AI for optimum delivery and persuasion. Finally, once it is live, we can continue to A/B test it with your team to further refine the message and increase conversions.

Where do the leads come from?

Typically, we source the leads from our own database access of over 300 million prospect records. You provide us your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and we upload enhanced leads of prospects who will pick up the phone. Alternatively, if you prefer, we can also process leads that you provide. 

Is there a volume discount?

Contact customer success to discuss any potential volume discounts.

How hard is the implementation?

Implementation is super-fast and easy. We can have you up-and-running within 48 hours of signing up. Upon completion of the sign-up on our website, you can schedule an onboarding call with a member of our Customer Success Team who will work with you to ensure your success on the platform. 

What is the minimum amount of spend?

The only fixed cost is our monthly software license fee.

How long before we start seeing results?

Once you sign up and are live you will start seeing results immediately! No ramping or warming process necessary! Our technology runs quickly and starts generating immediate results! You will make more connections, and will typically start booking appointments within the first day of use.